RESTART January ‘24 Playlist

January’s Playlist is here!

Hey there, art friends! Get ready to groove into the New Year with the awesome playlist handpicked by the ladies at Restart! It's all about fresh vibes and January inspiration, perfect for fueling your creative juices. So, whether you're doodling, painting, or crafting your heart out, let these tunes be the soundtrack to your artistic adventures into the new year. Hit play, let the music flow, and let's kick off 2024 on a creative high!

Now, onto art prompts for the new year:

  1. Positive Mantra Lettering: Channel your creative energy into illustrating a beautiful piece of lettering that showcases a positive mantra or affirmation for the upcoming year. Whether it's "Embrace Joy," "Radiate Positivity," or a mantra of your choice, bring it to life with colors and little illustrative elements that reflect the optimism for the new year.

  2. Fresh Start Doodles: Draw a collection of doodles that represent your personal goals or aspirations for the New Year. It could be anything from a travel destination to a new hobby. Keep it light and playful!

  3. January Blues: Create a cozy illustration of someone wrapped in a warm blanket, sipping hot cocoa, and looking out the window at a snowy landscape. Capture the comfort and tranquility of a winter day in January.

As always, tag us on Instagram and let us know what you make! #restartmakeart


RESTART February ‘24 Playlist


RESTART December ‘23 Playlist